The home buying process is not an easy one. Finding a real estate agent, a mortgage company, and eventually finding the perfect home in the desired location are all steps that the buyer needs to take into consideration.
After months of homes viewed, the buyer has hopefully found the perfect home. Now, there are some important questions that should come to mind
regarding a home's fitness and readiness for purchase.
What defects am I not seeing? What is the condition of the roof, furnace, and water heater? Is anything wrong with the foundation of the house? How about the air quality?
There are many more questions that need to be answered, perhaps some that only an experienced home inspector would know about.
Our Promise To You:
Choosing the best home inspector can be a confusing and difficult decision.
Our promise is that we will treat your potential new home as if we were the ones buying it and give you the very best information possible. We want you to have peace of mind with your new purchase.
At Dream Home Inspections, we inspect the home from the ground up. We will inspect the foundation, floor structure, roof structure, roof covering, siding, windows, doors, electrical, plumbing, HVAC and more. Anything that is a part of the home will be inspected.
Upon delivery of our inspection report to you, we will make sure that you fully understand and recognize any potential problems.
Why A Home Inspection?
This is the time when you need to hire a professional home inspection company.
Dream Home Inspections can help present a better picture of the house that you are purchasing, also answer any concerns that you might have, present a report to you of all the issues found during the inspection, and give you a list of all the necessary maintenance.
Our goal is to present you with the best possible information so you can make an informed decision about your dream home.